Did you know that…

The External Breast Prosthesis Program is intended for people insured by the Quebec health insurance plan (RAMQ) who have undergone a full or partial mastectomy. It is also intended for those 14 years of age or older who have been diagnosed with aplasia (complete absence of breast formation).

The program reimburses, for each breast and per 24-month period, the cost of purchasing or replacing an external breast prosthesis up to:

• A maximum of $512 for a complete external breast prosthesis;
• A maximum of $302 for a partial external breast prosthesis.

The prosthesis must have been purchased in Quebec in order to be reimbursable. Please note that we have gracefully reduced the prices so that the cost of external breast prostheses are fully reimbursed by the RAMQ.

For more information, contact us.

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